故事開首,"asleep on a train"以很行駛中的火車為背景聲,配以零碎的琴音、手風琴,和音,開始了遊子歸家的旅程。緊接著”Welcome Home” 絕對是一首令我目瞪口呆的優美歌曲,是筆者本年至愛的候選曲目之一,歌曲開首迎接遊子的是家門外的清脆的風鈴聲,聽聽它的副歌吧,旋律之流暢動人,幾乎令人融化。
"The Strangest Things"是專輯中其中一首最為凝重、陰鬱的歌曲。遊子感到這間屋子,一間曾經熟悉的地方,竟然開始令他感到很不安。
「… The cold spreads through the house
It bites my ears, I can't feel my hands or feet and I'm too scared to sleep
And now the ghosts are on the porch
Got knives in hand, oh no, I think I've seen this before And I might loseAnd I might lose
"Wrapped In Piano Strings"是一首清新易聽的民謠歌曲,優美的旋律當然不在話下。
Radical Face裡的歌曲主題看似鬼魅,但音樂上卻有是如此美勝收,例如 “Along the Road”,就是用詭異、古舊的木門發出的殘破聲音作背景,接近尾段,”Haunted”,孤單的琴音,柔柔的和音,徹底營造陰森、淒冷的氣氛,但唯美依然。歌詞裡,除了描述屋子裡的奇詭的現象,亦帶有不少超現實的想像:
「…… It's Monday morning 5. 19 And I'm still wondering where she's been Cause every time I try to call I just get her machine And now it's almost 6 a.m. And I don't want to try again Cause if she's still not back And then this must be the end At first I guess she's gone to Cannes Her silver pack of cigarettes A pint of milk, food for the cat But it's midnight now and she's still not back ……
…Cause if she's still not back Well, heaven knows what then Is this the end At half past two I picture her In the back of someone else's car He runs his fingers through her hair Oh, you shouldn't left him touch you there… 」