幾天前, 有幸在10月看到下雪, 那是倫敦地區70年來罕有的十月雪, 心情雖然興奮, 但這種陰寒的天氣, 有時實在會令筆者思鄉病發作, 感覺挺矛盾, 而且來到異地後要適應新環境, 腦中有太多信息要處理, 很多時候都沒有心情聽太喧鬧的音樂, 夜裡只想靜一下, 所以來到這裡, 聽得最多的反而是一些Ambient Instrumental-rock, 他們就像空氣一樣瀰漫著房間, 特別喜歡Album Leaf那寧靜透徹的電子琴音, 當然還有Monster Movie的Dream-pop美妙曲調, 有甚麼比他們的一曲"Colder Day"更切合筆者的心境哩, 聽著, 聽著, 原來Monster Movie(
前文)很多歌曲的主題, 都是圍繞思念, 與及一種很想與遠方接觸的渴求, 空曠, 飄逸的音樂, 那Vocal給筆者的感覺好像永在很遠的地方輕聲呼喊, 這一切都進一步深化了箇中的意境.
很久沒投放這麼多的個人情感. 實在暢快. :)
試聽-The Album Leaf - "Essex"
7 則留言:
很久沒有見你寫個人感覺了,我也是過來人。時間會沖淡你的感覺,但記著不要讓它沖走你的感覺。因為這些感覺一去不復返,要珍惜啊 ;)
You went see Lykke Li in Koko?? I was there too! I was with my friends at the very front. What did you think about the performance?
Re:Pui Ching
I was in the 2nd Row of the crowd.
you came from Hong Kong/ China?
Because I saw some Contonese-speaking people right at my back;
The show's great.
I like the arrangement of the songs, and the way she performed was also good, wild and cute.
And the last song "Tonight" really made the night unforgettable.
btw, nice to meet you here.
Ahahahaha yes I am from Hong Kong. I remember there was a Chinese guy in front of us. My bandmate and I were standing right behind you!
Anyway I am an indie musician too, and I love a lot of stuffs you listen to - JD, Sigur Ros, post rock, dream pop and stuffs.
Its really nice to meet you in London. I couldn't find your email address. If you will add me on MSN we can chat more? Mine is p.c.ho.04@cantab.net
eh. love this text..